Iroquois Memorial Regional Hospital
Department of Urology
200 East Fairman Avenue
Watseka, Illinois, 61890
Phone: 1-815-432-5411
Email: serge.marinkovic@imhrh.org
About Us

About the Our Practice
We have years of experience in bladder matters. If you are having health or urological issues, please feel free to contact us and set up an appointment. We would be happy to help.
New York University
Bachelor of Arts in Music/Biology
GPA 3.83
Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit MI
Doctor of Medicine – June 1991
Dean’s List Academic Years 3 & 4
Class Rank: Upper 10th percentile
General Surgery Residency
Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI
July 1991 – June 1992
Urology Residency
Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI
July 1992 – July 1994
Urology Residency
Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA
June 1995-June 1998
Neuro-Urology Fellowship/Urodynamics
Long Island Jewish Medical Center, New York
July 1998 – June 1999
Urogynaecology/Female Urology Fellowship
St. George’s Hospital, London UK
July 1999 – June 2001
Recertification for Female Pelvic Medicine Reconstructive Surgery/General Urology Board Certification December 2021 through 2031 Certificate #14403.
Heart Association [HA] Advanced Cardiac Life Support [ACLS] and Heart Association [HA] Basic Life Support [BLS] January 2022 through January 2024.
Female Pelvic Medicine Reconstructive Surgery/General Urology Boards
August 2015, Certificate #14403 (96th percentile).
Intuitive Surgery Robotic Training Abdominal Sacrocolpopexy: 2009, 2016, 2017.
Illinois, Indiana, Oklahoma, Missouri
Dr. John Warner Hospital (Consulting)
Clinton, IL
September 2004 – October 2005
St. Mary’s Hospital
Decatur, IL
January 2002 – December 2004
Decatur Memorial Hospital
Decatur, IL
October 2001 – October 2005
Women’s & Children’s Hospital
Lafayette, LA
October 2005 – October 2008
St. Francis Hospital,
Indianapolis, IN
November 2008 – October 2009
Goldfish Locums Urology
Dallas, TX
2010 – 2011
Med-Center One - Locums Urology
Bismarck, ND
April 2010 – July 2010
St. Alexius - Locums Urology
Bismarck, ND
April 2010 – October 2010
Innovis Medical Center/Essentia Health - Locums Urology
Fargo, ND
June 2010 – March 2011
Leonard Chabert Medical Center
Houma, LA
January 2011 – January 2012
Med Star Locums Urology
Dallas, TX
April 2011 – January 2014
St. Joseph Hospital - Locums Urology
Fort Wayne, IN
May 2012 – November 2013
McAlester Regional Hospital
McAlester, OK
September 2012 – January 2013
Censeo Health Locums Urology
Dallas, TX
March 2013 – Present
Detroit Medical Center-Harper/Detroit Receiving Hospital
Detroit, MI
January 2014 – December 2016
Gateway Regional
Granite City, IL
December 2016 – June 2020
Red Bud Regional Medical Center (Consulting)
Red Bud, Illinois
September 2018- Current
Gibson City Hospital (Consulting)
Gibson City, IL
August 2020 – May 2021
Iroquois Memorial Hospital (Consulting)
Watseka, IL
October 2020 – Current
Signify Health
Dallas, TX
June 2021-Current
Performed the world’s 10,000th Sacral Neuromodulation implant at St Mary’s Hospital, Decatur, Illinois: April 6, 2004.
Thirlby Award: Best Presentation
“Adjusting Sling Tension to Maximize Same-day Voiding”
2004 North Central Section AUA meeting, West Palm Beach, Florida
Thirlby Award: Best Presentation
“Sacrocolpopexy with the Protack Device”
2005 North Central Section AUA Meeting, Chicago Illinois
Long Island Jewish Medical Center Competitive Grant: - March 1999, $150,000
“Elastin Processing in Women with Stress Urinary Incontinence”
Marinkovic, SP and Badlani Gopal. “Voiding and Sexual Function after Cerebrovascular Accidents.” J Urology. Submitted proposal for a 20-year update of my 2001 review on the same topic/same journal.
Marinkovic, SP. “Pubovaginal Sling with Intraoperative Stress Testing and Dermal Allograph with a Minimum 15-year Follow-up.” Neurourology and Urodynamics. DOI Pending 2021.
Marinkovic, SP. “Improving Clinical Outcomes with Lower Motor Voltage (£ 3 Volts) During Stage 1 Sacral Neuromodulation for IC or BPS.” Neurourology and Urodynamics DOI.org/10.1002/nau.24123, 2019.
Marinkovic SP. “New Technologies in the Management of OAB: Current Research and Future Prospects.” Technologies in Urology 2019. DOI-10.1177/1756287219844669.
Marinkovic SP, Ford JC. “Improving Clinical Outcomes for Women with Overactive Bladder or Urinary Retention Symptoms: A Comparison of Motor Response Voltages (1–9 V) during Stage 1 Sacral Neuromodulation.” BJUI, 2018. DOI:10.1111/bjui.14240.
Marinkovic SP, Gillen LM, Marinkovic CM. “Sacral Neuromodulation Motor Response at Less Than 3 Volts Versus Greater than 3 Volts. Are Better Clinical Results Obtained?” J. Endourology/Video Urology, September 2016.
Marinkovic SP, Gillen LM, Marinkovic CM. “Pudendal Neuromodulation as a Rescue Procedure after Failed Sacral Neuromodulation.” Endourology/Video Urology, October 2016 Volume 30, Number 5.
Marinkovic SP, Gillen LM, Marinkovic CM. “Transvaginal Rectocele Repair with Human Dermal Allograft Interposition and Bilateral Sacrospinous Fixation with a Minimum Eight-Year Follow-up.” BMC-Urology. Accepted 6/7/2015.
Marinkovic SP, Gillen LM, Marinkovic CM. “Successful Bilateral Pudendal Neuromodulation to Treat Detrusor Areflexia following Severe Pubic Symphysis Fracture, a Case Report.” BMC-Urology. Accepted 6/5/2015.
Marinkovic SP, Gillen LM, Marinkovic CM. “Bladder Areflexia in a HIV + (Th=300) Female Patient Currently Voiding after Sacral Neuromodulation, a Case Report.” BMC-Urology. Accepted 6/15/2015.
Marinkovic SP, Gillen LM, Marinkovic CM. “Neuromodulation for Overactive Bladder Symptoms in Women Utilizing Either Motor or Sensory/Motor Provocation with a Minimum Nine-Year Follow-Up.” Neuromodulation. 2015 Apr 27. Doi: 10.1111/ner.12291.
Marinkovic SP. “Sacral neuromodulation is an effective option for non-obstructive urinary retention in men with cerebral palsy.” Int J Urol. 2014 Apr; 21(4): 430-1. Doi: 10.1111/iju.12287. Epub 2013 Oct 29. No abstract available.
Marinkovic SP, Marinkovic CM, Xie D. “Spleen injury following left extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL).” BMC Urol 2015 Feb 18; 15:4. Doi 10.1186/1471-2490-154.
Marinkovic SP, Moldwin R, Rovner E, Stanton SL, Gillen, LM, Marinkovic CM. “Management of Overactive Bladder.” BMJ 2012; 344: e2365.
Marinkovic SP, Gillen LM, Marinkovic CM. “Sacrocolpopexy for Post Hysterectomy Vaginal Vault Prolapse.” Chapter 28 in Hysterectomy (3 volumes) edited by Prof. Dr. Ayman Al-Hendy. ISBN 979-953-307-002-4 Published by In-Tech, NY, NY.
Marinkovic SP, Gillen LM, Marinkovic CM. “Posterior repair with Human Dermal allograft and Minimum 7-year follow-up.” Journal of Endourology, Video Urology April 2011.
Marinkovic SP, Gillen LM, Marinkovic CM. “Adjusting Bladder Neck Sling Length to Maximize Same-Day Voiding: With a Minimum of 6 Years Follow-up.” Journal of Endourology, Video Urology March 2011.
Marinkovic SP, Gillen LM, Marinkovic CM. “Sutureless Sacrocolpopexy.” Journal of Endourology, Video Urology January 2011. DOI: 10.1089/vid.2010.0122.
Serge P. Marinkovic, Lisa M Gillen, Christina M. Marinkovic. Society of Urodynamics and Female Urology, February 27, 2011. Las Vegas, NV. “Sutureless Sacrocolpopexy.” Video
Serge P. Marinkovic, Lisa M Gillen, Christina M Marinkovic.
American Urological Association Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. May 15, 2011.
“Sutureless Sacrocolpopexy.” Video Sessions
Serge P. Marinkovic. American Urological Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, May 17, 2015. “Success and Complications of Pubovaginal Sling with Human Dermis Allograph and Minimum 10-year follow-up. Podium Presentation.
Serge P. Marinkovic. American Urological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. May 19, 2015. “Does a Lower Voltage attained for Good Bellows and Ipsilateral Plantar Flexion with Tined lead Placement Portend a Better Outcome for Overactive Bladder Symptoms with Sacral Neuromodulation?” Poster Discussion
Serge P. Marinkovic and Joseph Ford. American Urological Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, May 4, 2019. Abstract 19-5826. “Can a two-hour fast before and after consuming a Sildenafil 100 mg tablet statistically improve erectile function and patient satisfaction in normal men who otherwise have failed to achieve full erection with Sildenafil use?” Podium Presentation.
American Urological Association
North Central Section of Urology
Society of Urodynamics and Female Urology
International Continence Society
Board of Directors, Midwest Stone & Laser, St. Louis, Missouri
1.ABC News (Decatur, IL 2004), Discussed diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections.
2.CBS News (Lafayette, LA 2005), discussed types and treatment of urinary incontinence.
3.NBC News (Indianapolis, IN 2008), discussed PSA and Prostate cancer.
4.ABC News (Detroit, MI 2016), discussing women’s urinary incontinence diagnosis and current therapies.
In 2020, created and developed www.bladdermatters.com, a valuable resource with patient instructional/operative videos, preoperative and postoperative instructions, and links to PDFs of my articles.
Classically trained pianist, specializing in Chopin Opus 10 & 25 Etudes
Charles Darwin and Sir Isaac Newton rare book and manuscript collector
Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Liszt, and Chopin 1st edition printed piano sheet music collector
Dog, cat and bird enthusiast
Photographer and videographer
Fluent in English and Spanish