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Greenlight Laser TURP

  1. With the approval of your Family Dr. or Cardiologist please discontinue your blood thinner’s [aspirin, Eliquis, Coumadin, ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve etc.] no later than one week before your Greenlight laser TURP and for an additional three days past your Greenlight Laser TURP.  If you need pain control before or after your biopsy you may use Tylenol, tramadol or the Norco’s we prescribed you.

  2. The night before surgery do not take anything by mouth that is either food or drink.  Your anesthesiologist will guide you when and how to take your daily medications.

  3. At the time of your pre-operative visit Amy will be giving you three medications prescriptions. A. Levaquin 750 mg, once daily, #10 to help prevent urinary tract infections. B. Pyridium 200 mg, #84, one pill four times a day for three weeks.  This medication will help reduce the burning you may experience with urination for about three weeks after surgery from your laser burn.  It changes the color of your urine to an orange and it also helps heal the prostate sooner that without its use. C. Norco 10 mg #60, one to two every 4-6 hours for bladder pain and spasms.  Please fill these prescriptions prior to surgery so that on your day of surgery everything is set at home for your recuperation the day of surgery.  No last-minute pharmacy visits.  Go straight home after surgery to relax.

  4. You will be going home with a Foley catheter in your bladder overnight.  The following morning you should already have an appointment with Paula, Nicole or Amy to pull out the catheter.  After your Foley catheter removal, it is normal for 3-7 days to experience some blood clots, and a strong desire to urinate but do not take any blood thinners until day #3 after your Greenlight laser and this problem will be minimized.  Also take your Norco for these episodes of urgency and bladder spasms. Also take all three of your medications until they are completed.

  5. After surgery avoid lifting anything more than 10 pounds for at least three weeks and do not drive a car for 2 weeks.  Do not drive a bicycle, motorcycle or riding mower for 4 weeks to prevent bleeding with urination.  Sexual activity should not be initiated for at least 4-6 weeks after your surgery.  Sexual activity ahead of time can bring on episodes of frank urethral bleeding due to irritation of prostate blood vessels and the like.

  6. It is estimated for the prostate to completely heal in an otherwise normal 50-75-year man at least 6 weeks.  If you are a diabetic add another six weeks for a total of 12 weeks. If you are a gentleman in fair to poor health 8-12 weeks is the likely course for full healing where you can resume normal activities as bicycle & motorcycles riding and sexual activity.

  7. If you have questions about your progress after this surgery please call Amy, Paula or Nicole and they relate your questions directly to me for further assistance.  Our goal is to have a 100% success rate with our office visits and surgeries.  We are always available by some means during the business days 8-4:30 and afterwards with our answering service but for emergencies.  If you are unable to contact us and feel you need assistance, please call 911 and ask to be taken to the Gateway Regional Medical Center Emergency room.

  8. Thank you for your time reading and implementation of our Greenlight Laser TURP instructions.

© 2024 by Dr. Serge Marinkovic

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